20 to 9 started the minute a guy wandered drunkenly over to his neighbor’s house, and over the course of a conversation, a previously-unknown mutual interest in music-making was discovered. They each threw the musical meat and vegetables they had brought with them into the pot, like classic rock, indie rock, folk, goth, and new wave, and spiced it with words inspired by favorite books and movies and family angst. It simmered, sometimes with a blazing fire under it and sometimes on the back-burner, for a couple years, before it finally became the strange but oddly delicious stew you have before you, complex with layers of flavor and harmony, tendrils of a cinematic dream and its literary soundtrack rising like a fragrant steam for your ears. We’ll bet you’ve never tasted anything quite like it.

The project is called 20 to 9 in reference to the time at which Miss Havisham stopped all her clocks in Great Expectations, to eternalize the moment when her heart broke. The album is served in a bowl that is black as obsidian. Yeah, it’s dark as the night sky in here, but it’s spangled with stars.
All songs written by: Stephen daSilva, Sara Dasilva, Sandi Davis (BMI) Recording Engineer, Mixing Engineer: Eric Balaban Mastering Engineer: Timothy Stollenwerk All songs performed by: Sandi Davis (vocals), Sara Dasilva (guitar), Stephen daSilva (guitar), James Ess (drums), Joey Lazerhead (bass) Except "Memory Palace" performed by: Sandi Davis (vocals), Stephen daSilva (guitar), and Jeff Bilmes (bass) Fortune Laughs ℗ 2022 Tsurumi Records